Saturday, September 15, 2007

New YouTube Course at College - Luddites and Philistines Need Not Register!

View "Televised" coverage of this "story" by mainstream newscasters (dumb comments!) - Patience, the promo for the Regis show will go away after a few seconds...

From: Seattle Post-Intelligencer
"SoCal college offers YouTube class"
"Here's a dream-come-true for Web addicts: college credit for watching YouTube. Pitzer College this fall began offering what may be the first course about the video-sharing site. About 35 students meet in a classroom but work mostly online, where they view YouTube content and post their comments..."
Also - Check out this recorded interview with the professor who created the course (from a broad cast radio program - this one's smart!)

Hey, the point of this isn't that this course is a digital-age version of Basket Weaving 101 (archetypal joke title for the all time easy course). No, this is a serious attempt by a digital immigrant professor to learn about a new technology that's become super popular with her digital native students. This course is really more of a serious study about new media and learning than an old paradigm exercise in "knowledge transfer" schooling. This is a great example of changing roles and the shifting focus and goals of learning and teaching. The question remains, however, who should be paying whom tuition?

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